1965 Porsche 356C
I received a call from a gentleman that had recently come into possession of a 356C, but didn’t know much about them. He wanted to know what it may cost to restore it, and/or just get it running to simply drive. His location was on my way home, so I stopped and took a look. It was very rough as some of the pictures show, and hadn’t run since 1973, when the clutch failed. (Junior year in Maine South High School for me).
It was a real time capsule (and health hazard due to the mold and funk), but was complete. It had been used for many rallies, both in Winter and Summer as the plentiful rust illustrates. The cost to restore the car exceeded what the gentleman thought was reasonable. He wasn’t really a Porsche guys, and preferred the pickups he was working on. I made him a reasonable offer, and after some haggling, we came to terms and I bought this car. Since taking possession I have documented much of the car, to include the garbage and cigarette butts. (Tareytons!)
The original owner took possession of the car in Germany as indicated by the service sticker linked to a German VW / Porsche dealer near a US base there. The second owner lived in Rockton, Illinois and was a member of the Madison (WI) Sports Car Club. All of the rally plaques have been saved, and the instruments and radio have been preserved as used. The car is currently preserved and I intend to restore to original and use the car as much as possible. These are really stout cars and this one deserves to get back on the road.
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