Sport & Specialty’s Buy and Sell
As a service to our customers and friends we are providing this free classified section to offer cars and parts for sale. You may also wish to submit a “wanted” ad. There is no charge for this service, and Sport and Specialty is not representing any of the items shown here as an agent or representative.
To place an ad:
Simply send an email to with a detailed description of the vehicle or part(s) to buy or sell along with a digital photo, (up to six digital photos) or a link to a photo site. One “parts” ad per person, may be multiple parts in each ad. Be sure to provide good contact information.
The ad will remain active for 30 days, unless a written extension is requested. Please let us know if any items are sold, so that we can take them down as needed.
Sport and Specialty retains the right to refuse publication of any as for any reason, and makes no guarantees as to the quality or value of the items offered here.